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Did you know what Rod Stephen's hidden talent is? I didn't until I watched this interview!

In this candid The Glen Talks interview, Rod recounts all roads and paths that led him to where he is now, from his childhood dreams and his secret talent to what it means to be at the helm of All Roads, not just from business perspectives, but as a regular family man.

All Roads' ingenious plan to build a very thick 390 mm roadway explained

This video explains how a All Roads' ingenious plan to build a very thick 390 mm (over 15") asphalt roadway at a busy industrial site actually worked.

City of Langley - 202 St Area Utilities and Road Rehabilitation

The project entails the comprehensive replacement of aging water mains and storm sewers, including associated services, situated on 202 street and south of 48 Avenue. Furthermore, it encompasses road paving as part of the infrastructure upgrade initiative.

When we can't use our latest GPS technologies, we go old school

All Roads does pride itself for being the leaders in the industry and using the latest precision GPS and LPS technologies for our paving and concrete pouring projects. However, on this project, because there are very tight clearances with lane width and two lanes of traffic must be freely moving at all times, we are tackling this build in a conventional way by hand forming everything and pouring a concrete with old-school methodology.

Together We Will Kick Cancer's Ass

Our Asphalt Plant Manager Mr. Dennis Eby has been diagnosed with cancer recently and last Friday we rushed for a completely impromptu and spontaneous gathering at our head office to express how we all appreciate Dennis’ child-like smile and we will keep the lights on while he saddles on for this battle. Most importantly, our guys and gals wanted to let him know that he is not in this fight on his own.

Unwinding on the Greens

By a popular demand, we were gathered once again at Cheam Mountain Golf course in beautiful Chilliwack. With the snow-capped Mount Baker in a backdrop, and the temperature hovering at low 20th, it was the perfect day to unwind and have fun as All Roads family.

ALL ROADS in 5 years

At All Roads’ 2023 Annual Year-End Celebration in Harrison Hot Springs, the following lighthearted video was shared with all staff and associated guests. In a comical theatrical way, the video was created to show how All Roads came into existence, who was there from the beginning, why they joined All Roads, and finally, and finally, a 5-year recap of their collective accomplishments! In no way, is any of this video content meant to be offensive to anyone or organization. This has been produced in good faith of plain fun, showing the team's humility and humble family dynamics in action.

Full road remediation from Steveston Hwy to Blundell Rd on Gilbert in Richmond

As part of a Metro Vancouver Utility Main contract for Hall Group, All Roads will be performing asphalt milling, sub-structure works, grading, paving, and concrete repairs. This $120M Gilbert Trunk Sewer Twinning (GTS2) project is phase two of Metro Vancouver’s Gilbert Road plan to improve the city of Richmond’s sanitary sewage transport capacity to the Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (LIWWTP). The project is expected to be completed in spring 2025.

ALL ROADS Asphalt Plant Produces its 1 Millionth Tonnes of Asphalt

Watch our fun and interactive celebration! 1 million tonnes of asphalt produced in only 40 months. All done with no "lost day" safety issues and no out of specification mix ... and from one of the cleanest environmental plants in Canada.

Arterial Roads vs. Local Roads: What's the difference?

First in BC: 62 feet wide highway paving with echelon of 4 pavers side-by-side

Hwy 1 Resurfacing Project Phase 4

This project is for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure of British Columbia. This is the 4th year in a row that All Roads has been successful in gaining this contract. By September 2023, when all 4 phases put together, we will have resurfaced over 300 lane kilometres of the section of Hwy 1. And we will have produced and laid down 240,000 tons of asphalt.

Glory (and Bloopers:-) - Our Success Story for 2022

At ALL ROADS, our culture is the one of mutual respect, friendliness and enjoying candid happy moments as much as we do our hard work of paving smooth and quality roadways to help British Columbia moving forward. While it takes certain breed of toughness and endurance to keep rolling under scorching sun or freezing rain, baked by the steaming blacktop heat from beneath, our team takes it in strides and continue building world-class roads and highways by wearing smiles on their faces.

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